00:09:58 Isabela Almeida: The classes there will be changing every Wed or at the beginning of each week? 00:11:39 saraclary: Sara Clary. 00:11:56 Tiffany Cruikshank (she/her): Name, where from, teaching style, 1:1 or group, studio owner 00:12:08 Lisa Ash Drackert: Lisa Ash Drackert, Kansas City Missouri (USA). 1:1 personal therapeutics sessions and studio owner. 00:12:26 Gwen de Zest for Life Yoga: Gwen Bonaire, South Caribbean Mostly Hatha and Vinyasa Group class 90% 1:1 10% 00:12:30 Kendra Tolbert: Kendra Tolbert, St. Louis, MO, USA, 1:1 or group 00:12:37 - Tiffany: Tiffany Pridgen from Selma, NC!! I primarily teach 1:1 clients who struggle with GI diseases…lots of restorative yoga and breath work! 00:12:39 saraclary: Sara Clary. Montana. Teach group classes at a fitness facility in Bozeman. Not an owner. 00:12:39 annickcuvelier: Annick Cuvelier, Belgium, group classes, corporate classes , 1:1 or group 00:12:41 Tisha: Tisha Giangiordano Morristown, NJ, 1:1, group 00:12:48 rachel workman: Rachel, East Texas, 1:1 Therapeutic sessions and group 00:12:48 L A Starr: L A and I’m in Mississippi. I teach all styles, more studio classes with a few privates. Studio owner. 00:12:51 Michelle Spore: Michelle S., east of seattle, predominantly 1:1 (15+ hrs/wk) at a physical therapy clinic; and I teach one group class at a local studio 00:12:52 Katharina Claeys: Katharina Claeys, Hamburg Germany, 1:1 and group, general women’s health and working a lot pre and postnatal 00:12:53 Ruth Delahunty: Ruth, Dublin, Ireland. Teach vinyasas and one on one therapeutics. 00:12:57 rachel workman: Studio owner 00:12:57 Jen Coco: I’m Jen From US but living in Barbados I teach mostly vinyasa flow and also restorative, sometimes paddle board yoga. 00:12:59 Denise Crofton: Denise Crofton, from Toronto, Canada. Teach 1:1 and group classes, hatha, flow and Yin/Restorative 00:12:59 Justine: Justine Davis Melbourne Australia. Studio owner. Group classes 00:13:00 Katera Zappacosta: Katera Zappacosta. Studio owner. Group classes and workshops. Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada. Hi! 00:13:00 Isabela Almeida: Hi I'm Isabela, I live in Leesburg Northern VA, I teach online private classes and in a small personal training studio Yin and Slow Flow. 00:13:14 Freda Sii: Freda Sii, from Birmingham UK, graduated 2022, teaching at sports club, mainly vinyasa, also yoga for sports 00:13:33 Eileen Hayes: Eileen from Rochester NY. Primarily 1:1 therapeutic and some Corporate Wellness Group classes/workshops 00:13:44 Katja (Neuland Yoga): Katja, originally from Germany but living in Canada. I teach non-lineage yoga, very much inspired by YM, a mix of contemporary movement and yoga. Specialised in female health, trauma, and ADHD. 00:13:52 Kim Albert Yoga: Kim Albert, Chelmsford, MA, USA. Mostly Vinyasa based and some restorative yoga. I teach at a fitness facility with a dedicated yoga room. 00:13:56 Gry Bech-Hanssen: Hi, I’m Gry from Oslo, Norway. Fascia-centric, therapeutic group classes. Studio owner + teaching corporate classes 00:13:56 Hazel Sligting: Hi 🙂 Hazel Sligting. In Christchurch New Zealand, atm mostly yoga for athletes and meditation, also Yin, vinyasa. Group classes and 1:1 00:13:56 jennifer3: Jennifer Slavin Harris, Austin + Brooklyn, One on One, Small group sessions and Workshops 00:14:18 Lucy Fairey: Hi I’m Lucy from West Sussex in the UK. I teach gentle Hatha mainly to seniors and beginners in a group setting. 00:14:30 melisaradoccia: Melisa Radoccia from RI but just moved to West Palm Beach, FL in December. Settling in and concentrating on 1:1 therapuetuc privates 00:21:50 Dr. Diane Malaspina: o Emotions – what does it feel like to be in your body? What is your mindset and internal state? o Relating – How are you relating with others? o Environment – Is your current lifestyle and work life supporting you (financially, creating meaning, adding value to your life)? Is there balance (physical, mental/emotional, social)? o Gaps – are there gaps in any of these areas? Take note & share take aways in the chat 00:44:36 Lisa Ash Drackert: Sludge 00:44:40 Kim Albert Yoga: Our group had gaps here: Time Management (day job, life, teaching yoga), Incorporating the YMO trainings into yoga teaching, need for more training 00:45:06 Jen Coco: We talked about wanting to connect to other teachers, get grounded through times of transition, and find inspiration in times of burnout 00:45:09 - Tiffany: Our group was lovely!! One main theme for us was sustainability in teaching - providing enough financially to have a good energy exchange. And also how our teaching evolves overtime with our own practice! 00:45:18 Jen Coco: Remembering that we are well trained and have a lot to offer! 00:45:22 rachel workman: Time management, Change, Burnout 00:45:25 Ruth Delahunty: Group 5 - LA, Jennifer & Ruth. Bubbling with information to share but can’t find the students and one to one clients to help. What works, what doesn’t? 00:45:50 Lucy Fairey: In our group, the theme of community came up and the need to find a community we can connect to, 00:45:53 Tisha: Finding community, especially yoga community was one theme. 00:46:11 Kendra Tolbert: Reacted to "Finding community, e..." with ❤️ 00:46:15 L A Starr: Reacted to "Group 5 - LA, Jennif…" with ❤️ 00:46:19 Kendra Tolbert: Reacted to "In our group, the th..." with ❤️ 00:46:30 Tisha: Reacted to "In our group, the th..." with ❤️ 00:46:37 Tisha: Reacted to "Remembering that we ..." with ❤️ 00:46:37 Gwen de Zest for Life Yoga: Our group was about how priviledged we feel teaching Yoga even when we have to navigate in a heavy world and how we can make mindful decisions to support ourselves (Yoga def helps with that) Gap were sustainability, especially with worlds concerns lately 00:46:38 Isabela Almeida: Reacted to "In our group, the th..." with ❤️ 00:46:47 Katera Zappacosta: Our group was similar and diverse at the same time. We all admitted that we weren’t having the best day, and finding some struggles in our Yoga lives. From the struggles of running a studio, to burnout, to just starting off our yoga careers. There was some discussion about teaching in a studio vs. Teaching in a gym setting. And how to further build our yoga connections and communities. 00:47:14 Hazel Sligting: Reacted to "Our group was simila..." with 🙂 00:47:41 Isabela Almeida: Reacted to "Our group was simila..." with ❤️ 00:47:56 Isabela Almeida: Reacted to "Our group was about ..." with ❤️ 00:48:01 jennifer3: Reacted to "Group 5 - LA, Jennif..." with ❤️ 00:48:48 jennifer3: Replying to "Our group was simila..." lovely to see you! hope our day gets better!!!! 00:50:39 - Tiffany: Yoga Medicine community helped a lot with my transition and growth!! 00:50:54 Katera Zappacosta: Reacted to "Yoga Medicine commun…" with ❤️ 00:51:16 - Tiffany: I definitely feel like I’m finding my footing this past year!! 00:51:17 Katera Zappacosta: Replying to "Yoga Medicine commun…" Same. I don’t know what I would do without the YM community!!!! 00:52:00 - Tiffany: Reacted to "Same. I don’t know w..." with 💜 00:54:19 - Tiffany: Beautifully stated, Gwen! Totally connect with that you shared!! 00:54:39 Kendra Tolbert: Reacted to "Beautifully stated, ..." with ❤️ 00:54:44 Gwen de Zest for Life Yoga: Reacted to "Beautifully stated, ..." with ❤️ 00:55:15 Freda Sii: Reacted to "I definitely feel li..." with ❤️ 00:56:02 Dr. Diane Malaspina: How often do you check in with yourself? Can you identify something that you could either do less of or more of? If something is complicating your life right now, is there a way to simplify it? What do you need for renewal? 00:57:42 Shannon Reilly: I have to hop off to switch gears - but Im looking forward to next week! 😄 00:58:02 L A Starr: Reacted to "How often do you che…" with ❤️ 00:58:05 Katharina Claeys: Reacted to "How often do you che…" with ❤️ 00:58:39 Dr. Diane Malaspina: One action you can commit to this week to create more alignment – is there something you wish to add or subtract or be more intentional about? (share in chat). 01:00:08 Dr. Diane Malaspina: Through this process, what has become clearer for you? 01:00:41 - Tiffany: The massive amount of support and connection we have through YM is super clear! 🙂 01:00:50 Dr. Diane Malaspina: Reacted to "The massive amount o..." with 🙏 01:01:13 Isabela Almeida: I felt we are not alone in many of these issues! Which is a great feeling. 01:01:15 Jen Coco: I’m not alone in what I’m feeling and experiencing 🙏🏼♥️ 01:01:27 rachel workman: The need for community and conversation 01:01:28 Kendra Tolbert: Reacted to "I’m not alone in wha..." with ❤️ 01:01:31 Katharina Claeys: Reacted to "I’m not alone in wha…" with ❤️ 01:01:32 Hazel Sligting: That we all have challenges but that we are not alone in them. 01:01:39 Gwen de Zest for Life Yoga: That we are in in it together and sharing makes it less heavy 01:01:46 Gry Bech-Hanssen: Reacted to "The need for communi..." with ❤️ 01:01:47 saraclary: Grateful to hear that regardless of experience, Im not the only one still trying to figure it out. Yes, Diane, not alone! 01:01:52 Hazel Sligting: Reacted to "That we are in in it..." with 💜 01:01:52 Kim Albert Yoga: I’m well trained and totally ready to share my knowledge. (Thank you to the group that put that as a gap!) 01:02:01 Kendra Tolbert: Reacted to "That we all have cha..." with ❤️ 01:02:10 Kendra Tolbert: Reacted to "Grateful to hear tha..." with ❤️ 01:02:10 Isabela Almeida: Reacted to "Grateful to hear tha..." with ❤️ 01:02:11 Lisa Ash Drackert: The energetic difference between “work” and “teaching” and the feeling of being disconnected from curiosity. 01:02:19 Kim Albert Yoga: Reacted to "Grateful to hear tha..." with 😍 01:02:25 Isabela Almeida: Reacted to "I’m well trained and..." with ❤️ 01:02:36 Kim Albert Yoga: Reacted to "That we are in in it..." with 💜 01:02:43 Kim Albert Yoga: Reacted to "That we all have cha..." with ❤️ 01:02:48 Isabela Almeida: Reacted to "The energetic differ..." with ❤️ 01:02:48 Kim Albert Yoga: Reacted to "The need for communi..." with ❤️ 01:02:52 Kim Albert Yoga: Reacted to "I’m not alone in wha..." with ❤️ 01:02:53 Katera Zappacosta: This is such an important community! Thank you everyone! 01:03:02 Kim Albert Yoga: Reacted to "The massive amount o..." with 🙏 01:03:49 Jen Coco: Will we be in our same break out groups next week? 😃 01:03:52 melisaradoccia: Just so meaningful to connect again with others and realize we are so alike and connected even though we have been experiencing our own journeys. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity! 01:03:53 Hazel Sligting: Thank you so much. It has been so great to connect and I look forward to next week. 01:04:00 Michelle Spore: 🫶 🫶 🫶 thank you so much 🫶 🫶 🫶 01:04:08 Katera Zappacosta: Reacted to "🫶 🫶 🫶 thank you s…" with ❤️ 01:04:08 Lisa Ash Drackert: THANK YOU 01:04:12 rachel workman: Thank you both! 01:04:15 Gwen de Zest for Life Yoga: thank you ! 01:04:20 Tisha: Reacted to "Just so meaningful t..." with ❤️ 01:04:28 melisaradoccia: Wow this flew by! 01:04:36 Isabela Almeida: Thank you!!!🙏🏼❤️ 01:04:39 Ruth Delahunty: Thank you so much. Great to share. 01:04:41 Lucy Fairey: Thank you ❤️ 01:04:41 saraclary: Thank you, Tiffany. I really appreciate this! 01:04:42 Katharina Claeys: Thank you, looking forward to next week =) 01:04:53 - Tiffany: THANK YOU! 01:04:53 annickcuvelier: Thanks a lot. 01:04:54 Gry Bech-Hanssen: So good to see you all!