How Optimizing Breathwork Practices Can Positively Impact Immune Response & Perceived Stress
Join us for this free 40 minute seminar to discover new research about the positive effects of yogic breathing techniques on the inflammatory response in humans, and get fresh inspiration for innovative ways to use pranayama to support wellbeing in your classes.
Ready for more? Our brand-new 14 hour Pranayama Training is happening LIVE from October 10th – November 21st!

Are you interested in learning the physiological mechanisms behind the pranayama practices?
In this 14-hour, LIVE online training led by Tiffany Cruikshank, L.Ac. and Katja Bartsch, BSc, BCSI, you will learn both the anatomy of respiration, breathing mechanics, the relationship between breathing and the nervous system, and the physiology & biochemistry of respiration, as well as a breakdown of traditional pranayama techniques and applications. You’ll get an in-depth look at the what, why, and how behind the full spectrum of pranayama practices found in the yoga tradition as well as those commonly taught outside of the yoga realm. You will leave this training feeling confident implementing breath work therapeutics in your group & private sessions with an in-depth look at the research to inform and support your students.
Here are the main topics that we will cover during the LIVE online Pranayama Training:
- Anatomy of Respiration
- Breathing Mechanics
- Physiology & Biochemistry of Respiration
- Breath & the Nervous System
- Pranayama Techniques
- Contraindications
- Benefits
- Pranayama Teaching Techniques
- Sequencing Strategies & Progressions
- Q&A Opportunities Along the Way