Weekly Wellness

Short on time? Practice from our “Weekly Wellness” playlists: a thoughtfully curated, lineup crafted by our Yoga Medicine® Therapeutic Specialists for a purposeful weekly plan to support your health & wellness. Check back each Sunday for new classes & an updated playlist to plan your week ahead or look through our other options to suit your needs.

Slow Burn

Celebrate slow & steady progress this week and cultivate patience and persistenc…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Examine the Big Picture

This week take a step back to broaden your perspective and allow yourself to see…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Soothe & Settle

Use this lineup to prioritize recovery & restoration and to choose calm in the f…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

3D Wellness Lineup 19

A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Mobility Week

Just as it sounds, we’ll explore mobility in all of its forms this week - active…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Slow & Quick

Use this lineup to explore pace of movement as a modality to challenge and enhan…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Novelty to Instigate Change

Moving in different & novel ways can be a great way to tune the nervous system a…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Enhance Positive Adaptations

This week has tools to instigate positive changes both physically and physiologi…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank


This week, ignite your inner fire with practices to tap into your strength and r…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank


Yoga practice can act like a mirror, showing us where we are out of alignment an…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank


This lineup of classes is designed to soothe your mind, body, and soul. Through …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank


Let go of distractions and embrace focus as you immerse yourself in practices th…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Focused & Present

Use a range of tools and techniques this week to anchor mind to body.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Stoke the Fire

Lean into the drive and discipline of deliberate physical or mental challenge wi…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Motion as Lotion

This week celebrates the sheer joy of movement, whether to boost circulation and…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Anchor to Intention

Kick-start your week, month and season with clarity of direction and purpose in …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Sustained Momentum

A variety of classes to refuel and refocus for your week.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

3D Wellness Lineup 18

A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

The Space Between

A lineup of classes to cultivate some space, ease & clarity in your day!

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

3D Wellness Lineup 17

A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Revitalize Yourself

A week of revitalizing practices to help you feel your best!

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Embrace Imperfections

A lineup to help shift your perspective to see imperfections as superpowers, as …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

3D Wellness Lineup 16

A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Refocus & Revitalize

Use this lineup to tap into authenticity & clarity of what matters most. Reaffir…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

3D Wellness Lineup 15

A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Refill the Well

A lineup of classes to nourish all the layers (physical, physiological, mental, …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

You Got This!

We’ve got a variety of classes this week to keep you on track, help you refuel, …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Reset & Refresh

Use this lineup to help you hit the reset button with classes to release what yo…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

New Year, Fresh Start!

Use this lineup to help you welcome the new year and the fresh start it brings w…

Curated by: Rashmi Bismark

Celebrate Life!

A lineup to help you embody and appreciate the life within & all around you thro…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Celebrate You!

A lineup of short practices to easily fit into your schedule to help you care fo…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Celebrate Now!

A lineup to anchor you in the process and help you appreciate the now.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

3D Wellness Lineup 14

A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Let It Go

A lineup up to help you shake off stress and let go of what you don’t need to en…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

3D Wellness Lineup 13

A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Presence Toolkit

A toolkit to help you appreciate the moment with a variety of practices.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

3D Wellness Lineup 12

A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Take Time for Yourself

A lineup of classes to help you invest in self care.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

No Time Like Now

A variety of classes to help motivate you to prioritize self care today with rem…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

3D Wellness Lineup 11

A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Make the Most of Your Time

A lineup of short, potent practices that are 30 minutes or less to make the most…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Drop into Life

Use this weekly lineup to help you show up for life and appreciate the moment wi…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

3D Wellness Lineup 10

A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Tap Into Subtleties to Enhance Your Practice

A week of practice to dive deeper as you relish the subtlety and potency.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Expanding Your Capacity

A lineup to help you expand your capacity for breath, strength, mobility & life.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Breathe Life Into Your Practice

A breath centric lineup to infuse your practice with depth & potency.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

3D Wellness Lineup 9

A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Practice, Not Perfection

Set aside your expectations and lean into the power of regular practice.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Focus through Distraction

Use this lineup to remind you how to find a calm center despite the inevitable d…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

3D Wellness Lineup 8

A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Set A Solid Foundation

Set yourself up for success with a sturdy and supportive foundation.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

3D Wellness Lineup 7

A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Bodywide Intelligence 2

Trust in the brilliance of the system as you embrace your interconnected bodywid…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

3D Wellness Lineup 6

A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Expand Your Mind & Your Practice

Shift your perspective and open your mind to other views & new ways of moving so…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Let Go of the Struggle

Life is full of struggles and we can either resist or lean in. Use this lineup t…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Support Internal Rhythms

This week we focus on practices to support the circadian rhythm with active prac…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

3D Wellness Lineup 5

A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Support Cognitive Function

This week we’ve got a variety of practices to support focus & efficiency through…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Resilience from the Inside Out

This week we focus on the layers of our health to support the body & mind from t…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Mindfulness as Embodiment Practice

Steep into the potency of mindfulness as a valuable inner resource this week.

Curated by: Valerie Knopik

Interoception as a Source of Confidence

This week, step into a series of practices designed to empower you to explore in…

Curated by: Valerie Knopik

3D Wellness Lineup 4

A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.

Curated by: Valerie Knopik

Tune into Inner Intuition

Use this weekly lineup to tune into your inner wisdom through introspective prac…

Curated by: Valerie Knopik

Let Go

This week the focus is on Aparigraha & Vairagya. Aparigraha is a yama that refer…

Curated by: Dana Diament


Sauca, one of the niyamas, encourages us to declutter all aspects of ourselves i…

Curated by: Dana Diament

Earth Day Week

Use this lineup to ground yourself in appreciation of your internal & external r…

Curated by: Dana Diament


Brahmacharya is one of the yamas and can be translated as the right use of energ…

Curated by: Dana Diament

Commitment to Practice

The sanskrit work, Abhyasa, refers to the effects of a regular & consistent prac…

Curated by: Dana Diament

Do the Hard Thing

Lean into a variety of challenges in this lineup. Expand your boundaries & disco…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

The Power of Perception

Use this lineup to reframe your obstacles & self-doubt as you shift your perspec…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

3D Wellness Lineup 3

A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Find Your Groove

Use this weekly lineup to get in tune with yourself and trust your intuition. We…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

3D Wellness Lineup 2

A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Mood Lift

A week of classes to lift your spirit & support mental wellness.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

3D Wellness Lineup 1

A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Amplify Life

Energizing & invigorating practices to support your week.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

You Got This!

We’ve got you covered this week with some short practices to help you stay commi…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Stick with It

Use this lineup to cultivate endurance and staying power both in your practice a…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Refuel for Longevity

Use this lineup to refuel for sport, work, life, career, goals & training longev…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Build Momentum

Use this lineup to help you fuel up and challenge yourself as a way to cultivate…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Just Do It!

There’s no time like the present! Hit the reset button this week to begin the ye…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Steep in Gratitude

A week of heart focused practices to bolster health & wellness through this impa…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Short, Potent Practices

Short but potent practices to easily sneak into your schedule this week. Save th…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Nourish & Support

Use this weekly lineup to nourish your body, physiology, mind and spirit. You’ll…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Let It Go

Shed stress and find your focus this week with practices that help you let go an…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Let It Flow

Use these practices to shake off the week and get some movement into your day wi…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Power of Connection & Gratitude

This lineup was designed to help you anchor into the connection within & around …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Abundance Mindset

Our brains are wired to protect and because of that we have a strong inherent ne…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Clarify Your Focus

It’s easy to get caught up in our to-do lists and lose sight of what’s important…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Ishvara Pranidhana (Surrender)

This week is all about going with the flow and releasing yourself from the press…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Santosha (Contentment)

Use this line up to accept your practice, your body, your life exactly as it is.…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Svadyaya (Self-Study)

Svadhyaya or self-study is interwoven within the practice of yoga; our calling t…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Satya (Truthfulness)

In yoga philosophy Satya refers to the honesty in our actions and our words. Thi…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Tapas (Discipline)

In yoga philosophy Tapas manifests in many ways so you can use this week to puri…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Grounded & Calm

Find your calm this week with practices to anchor your attention in the moment a…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Nourish & Digest

This lineup is all about fine tuning the precious digestive system to nourish yo…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Settling Into A Routine

Use this week's lineup to come home to your practice and settle into a rhythm wi…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Movement Week

This lineup is perfect for desk sitters, quick movement breaks, or just some goo…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank


This well-rounded lineup offers refreshment for body and mind, whether that look…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Stay the Course

Use this week’s lineup when you want to commit to the path ahead, cultivating pa…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Express Yourself

This lineup invites you to let go of external pressures and expectations to be t…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Balance & Equanimity

Sometimes what we benefit from most is the middle path. Use this lineup to let g…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Tap Into the Zone

This week we’re focusing on optimizing performance through mindful presence, tap…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Mobility Week

The name says it all, but mobility comes in many forms so expect a variety of su…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Dig Deep

This week we’ve got a variety of practices to both challenge and nourish to supp…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank


Such an important part of any challenging endeavor (work, play or sports)! Fueli…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Embrace the Challenge

We’ve got challenges in many forms, not just the typical active challenges but a…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Trust in Yourself

This week is an ode to the beauty & potential that you already have inside of yo…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Strength Week

Sometimes you just need an extra dose of power to break up your week! Whether yo…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

The Time is Now

There’s no time like the present to support your health and make a positive chan…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Cultivate Creativity

Use this lineup when you want to get the creative juices flowing on & off your m…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Calm & Clear

A lineup to use anytime you want a little more clarity & calm for your week.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Happiness on Demand

This week is all about choosing love, shifting negativity and magnifying our app…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Neurotransmitter Boost

This week has an extra boost of mindfulness, meditation & breathwork intersperse…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Accept Support

Use this week to lean in and draw on the support within & around you.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Optimize Neuroplasticity

This week’s lineup will explore some creative & perhaps unfamiliar movements or …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Appreciate the Moment

Use this lineup to tune in and embrace the moment.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Mobility Week

Use this lineup to facilitate both active & passive mobility throughout the body…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Balanced Effort & Ease

A perfect balance of doing & being to help support energy levels and endurance.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Spring into Action

Use this lineup to motivate & instigate movement & change in your body & your li…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank


Use this lineup anytime you need to hit the refresh button.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Challenge Yourself

Challenge yourself this week with a variety of practices to move, strengthen, re…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Pulse of Life

Use this lineup to lean into the ebb & flow of life inside of you as you turn up…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Let It Be

Use this lineup to let go of what you no longer need and allow yourself to lean …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Reassess, Refocus & Refine

This lineup brings a fresh approach with practices for creativity, inspiration a…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank


Use this lineup as your reset button anytime you need to clear that slate for a …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank


Recommit to your practice, yourself and your health with this well-rounded lineu…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Tune Out Distractions

Use this weekly lineup to tune out distractions and get in the zone for your wee…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank


This week you’ll have a balance of practices to leave you rejuvenated and ready …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Endurance to Carry You Through

This week is all about balance to carry you through. You’ll have 2 yoga conditio…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Stick with It

Use this week to focus on strength, discipline & dedication with an extra yoga c…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Revive Your Inner Superpowers

Use this lineup to recharge and refresh so you can power up to boost your potent…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Clear the Slate

Hit the reset button this week to begin the year with a fresh start and some cla…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Support Your Health

Use this lineup to support the many facets of your health to rejuvenate from the…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Cultivate Gratitude

Use this lineup to cultivate more joy & gratitude in your life or when you need …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Make Space for You

It’s so easy to get caught up in the pace of life and yet so essential to make s…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Mobility Week

This week we’ll focus on mobility in both active and passive pursuits. Using yin…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Support Digestion

This lineup has a mixture of classes with some extra support for your gut. A gre…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Appreciate Each Moment

This week has a well-rounded lineup with plenty of reminders along the way to he…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Revive & Refresh

This week is full of practices to boost your immune system, a great way to arm y…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Strength Week

This week we focus on strength, but not just the muscles - we’ll also consider t…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Less Is More

A crowd favorite: use this well-rounded week of classes to move, nourish & rejuv…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Health Infusion

Use this lineup of longer classes for a 3-dimensional approach to focus on your …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Breathe the Change

Use this lineup anytime you need to hit the reset button or create some change i…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Steady Does It

Settle into your week with this grounding lineup of classes.

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Restore Balance

Use this weekly lineup to help cultivate balance in your life. Balance in moveme…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Vent Stress

This week is all about working with and releasing stress through movement, myofa…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Accomplishment in Challenge

Sometimes we all need a little push and so this weekly lineup is about relishing…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Open to Potential

This weekly lineup is about embracing your unique potential through different mo…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Coming Home to Yourself

Use this weekly lineup to embody your week. You’ll have a foot focused practice …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Make Space for Yourself

Use these practices to indulge yourself in self-care in all forms. Movement as m…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Balanced & Concise

Use these practices to balance out your week with a variety of practices in a sh…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Feel-Good Practices

This week we have a lineup of feel-good practices for you to move, breath and en…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Purpose & Progress

This week we’ll focus on strength & purpose as we create some forward momentum o…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Find Your Spark

Use this weekly lineup to get re-energized through movement, inspiration and int…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Balance of Yin & Yang

This weekly lineup is all about balance of input & output. The balance of doing,…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Stillness & Introspection

With our full to-do lists it’s easy to lose sight of the importance of the down …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Embrace Individuality

The uniqueness of the body is so precious and important to remember as we step o…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Stress for Positive Adaptation

It’s ingrained in our DNA to think of stress as a negative element of our lives …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Lean In

We spend so much of our time creating and managing the moving parts of our lives…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Give Yourself Some Slack

So often we tend to set our expectations well beyond our capacity, which can hel…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Recharge Yourself

This week we’ll look at a variety of tools to recharge you from the inside out. …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Moving from Center

Use this lineup to come back to what’s important. Tune in this week to clarify p…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

As Young As Your Spine is Flexible

This week's title speaks for itself with a focus on youthfulness & supporting sp…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Bodywide Intelligence

This week we pay some appreciation to the internal communication systems that we…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Strong Back, Wild Heart

Our busy & stressful lives often require a strong back to stand up in the world …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Back Yourself

This week we want to support your capacity to embrace challenge and step into yo…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Support Yourself

This week is about supporting yourself with some practice essentials to lean int…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Peak Performance 4

In this final peak performance week, you have a collection of classes to both ch…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Peak Performance 3

This week you have a different variety of classes that will continue to challeng…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Peak Performance 2

During this 2nd week of peak performance, you have a variety of classes to both …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Peak Performance 1

This week you have a variety of classes to both challenge & support the body & m…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

COVID-19 Recovery Program

This program was designed to help ease you back into exercise post COVID-19. Alt…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Clarity & Focus

This lineup is all about creating space for mental clarity & focus. Start the we…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Let It Go

This lineup is all about shedding stress and letting go of what holds you back. …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Emotional Resilience

This lineup helps support emotional resilience by boosting confidence in your ca…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Calm & Steady

We’ve created this weekly lineup to help ease stress & anxiety so you can put th…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Mood Lift

Use this weekly lineup when you want a mood booster to support your energy and s…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Fountain of Youth 4

This week starts with a focus on the spine to recharge you for the week ahead, t…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Fountain of Youth 3

Start out your week with a mobility focus, with some myofascial release for thor…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Fountain of Youth 2

Lineup #2 of our Fountain of Youth series to focus on anti-aging practices or as…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Fountain of Youth 1

With so many wonderful ways to support our health with yoga, this week is the fi…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Detox & Nourish

This weekly lineup is great for either a gentle detox rejuvenator or at the end …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Detox Deep Dive

This week you’ll dig a little deeper to detox with some longer practices with mo…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Liver Detox Week

This lineup is all about detox and letting go of what is no longer needed. Use t…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Supporting the Shift

This weekly lineup is perfect to support digestion & elimination to facilitate d…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Stress Proof Your Week

This week is all about shedding stress with a 3-dimensional approach. We’ve got …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Build Your Inner Resources

This week is all about building your arsenal of inner resources. We’ll look at t…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Inner Stillness for Vitality

This week we’ll explore stillness in all its forms, using movement & myofascial …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Recharge Retreat

This week we have some longer practices to indulge in a more decadent home retre…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Remove Your Mental Blocks!

This lineup explores mental wellness with some fun, explorative work to lift you…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Shake It Off!

Need to move? We’ve got you covered! This week we’ll keep you moving when you’re…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Cellular Nourishment

Use this weekly lineup anytime you want to revitalize from the inside out. This …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Lymphatic Fun

This week we’ll focus on supporting lymphatics, an important one for regulating …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Immune & Respiratory Booster

This weekly lineup is a great one to come back to anytime you’re feeling like yo…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Athletic Recovery: Deload Week 2

This class selection is for weightlifting athletes taking a deload week, or anyo…

Curated by: Jenni Tarma

Practices to Support Breathing for Athletes

Breath awareness and mechanics are under-coached aspects of athletic training th…

Curated by: Jenni Tarma

Cross-Training For A Light Workout Week

A lighter training block or a de-load week is a perfect opportunity to include s…

Curated by: Jenni Tarma

Recovery For A Hard Training Week

A series of mellow recovery-boosting practices to complement a hard training wee…

Curated by: Jenni Tarma

Body Part Focus

This week takes some time to focus on specific areas of the body to spark suppor…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Athletic Recovery 3

Enjoy this selection of recovery classes to supplement your athletic training on…

Curated by: Jenni Tarma

Fascial Health 2

This week we’ll take a look at fascial health by loading the tissues actively & …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Athletic Recovery: Pre-Race Taper

This selection of athletic recovery classes is designed for runners, or anyone o…

Curated by: Jenni Tarma

Embracing Uncertainty

This week includes a well rounded approach to find inner steadiness in uncertain…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Fascial Health 1

Connect to fascial health with a 3D approach using both active and more passive …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Athletic Recovery 2

Cycle through this shorter lineup of classes as needed to complement your athlet…

Curated by: Jenni Tarma

Down Shift

A welcome rejuvenator for the whole body, this lineup has breath centric movemen…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Bring Back the Breath

This program is all about coming back to our breath. The breath often gets lost …

Curated by: Valerie Knopik

Athletic Recovery: Deload Week 1

This class selection is for weightlifting athletes taking a deload week, or anyo…

Curated by: Jenni Tarma

Cross Train Your Life

Whether you’re a professional athlete or a professional desk sitter we all need …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Move Stuck Energy

This program features mostly shorter practices for when you’re feeling stagnant …

Curated by: Dana Diament

Athletic Recovery 1

Enjoy this selection of recovery classes to supplement your athletic training on…

Curated by: Jenni Tarma

For Busy Bodies

For the busy movers & shakers of this world, this lineup gives you some quick do…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Strength Week

The title of this lineup explains itself, a full week of strength with a Sunday …

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Mood Booster (half week)

This lineup uses movement & restorative practices to support you when you need a…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Stop in the Name of Love

This program is for those of us with a tendency to put ourselves last. We are bu…

Curated by: Dana Diament

Easing Back into Practice

Taking a break from your mat and looking to dip your toe back in gently? Try thi…

Curated by: Rachel Land

Stress Buster

This lineup is great for high stress weeks to address your movement & circulator…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Short on Time Daily Routine

This weekly wellness lineup is for the weeks when you want to practice daily but…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Maxed Out & Need Self-Care

This lineup is for weeks when you’re on overload and needing some focused nouris…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Focus on Active Mobility

This lineup is for weeks when you want to focus on active range of motion. We've…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank

Mood Booster (full week)

This lineup uses movement & restorative practices to support you when you need a…

Curated by: Tiffany Cruikshank