Trust in Yourself

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This week is an ode to the beauty & potential that you already have inside of you. We hope this lineup will serve as a reminder to trust in your capacity and trust that you have exactly what you need in this moment.

Curated By:

Tiffany Cruikshank


Connect to Spirit

In Traditional Chinese Medicine the heart is the container of the spirit and an im…

Hatha Vinyasa

45 min

Tiffany Cruikshank


Quiet & Calm for Your Body & Brain

A simple practice of myofascial release and gentle mobility to promote a system-wi…

Myofascial Release

30 min

Jenni Tarma


Glute Strength to Support the Spine

Think of this practice like taking your digasana (warrior 3) to the mechanic - get…

Yoga Conditioning

30 min

Dana Diament


Lean into Yin

Embrace the underestimated power of surrender. Let go of the need for effectivenes…

Yin Yoga

30 min

Rachel Land


Optimism & Acceptance

This vinyasa class introduces some functional movement to prepare the body, as you…

Hatha Vinyasa

60 min

Megan Kearney


Listen to Your Inner Voice

"Our best work, our finest moments, our joy happen when we're centered, listening …

Hatha Vinyasa

60 min

Valerie Knopik


Calm & Clear Acupressure Meditation

Use this combo of acupressure tapping and meditation anytime you want to help calm…


10 min

Tiffany Cruikshank