Register To Join Us FREE On May 7th at 12pm PST

PMS has long been a struggle for females, typically addressed through surface-level symptom management rather than tackling the underlying cause.


But by looking through the lens of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Yoga (a refreshing, side-effect-free perspective!) you can begin to leverage holistic strategies to promote healthy hormone patterns that are centered around root-cause approaches, rather than quick fixes.

In this LIVE 30-minute FREE seminar with world-renowned Yoga Teacher Trainer, Chinese Medicine Specialist, and Acupuncturist, Tiffany Cruikshank, you will discover the root causes of PMS alongside the intricate interplay of hormones and bodily systems, plus insights into how yoga and acupressure can regulate hormonal imbalances and alleviate PMS symptoms naturally.


Join this 30 minute LIVE seminar if you are:

Join Tiffany Cruikshank To Learn Empowering Practices & Education Surrounding Pain-Free PMS Management, like:

  • The various patterns of PMS according to Chinese medicine, helping you tailor your approach to individual needs.
  • Specific acupressure points and sequences to alleviate common PMS symptoms such as cramping, bloating, mood swings, and fatigue.
  • How to seamlessly incorporate acupressure techniques into yoga sequences, enhancing the therapeutic benefits of your classes.

What Students Are Saying About The Yoga Medicine Seminars

These seminars galvanized what I already knew about the quality of your training, and once I complete my 200 hrs, I am psyched to work toward completing your 500 hr YTT!

Amy Lee Mayor

Thank you so much for this, I have so much respect for all the knowledge you share!

Catherine Grusovnik / CPT CHC

I have just had a bit of time to watch and OMG I loved this seminar. I loved your Functional Anatomy course and your Myofascial Release Training which I use all the time with my students and self. Thank you!

Catherine Aldrete-Morris

Techniques from 25+ years experience in Chinese Medicine and Yoga

Meet Tiffany Cruikshank

Founder of Yoga Medicine, L.Ac, MAOM, E-RYT

Hi, I’m Tiffany! I’m an international yoga teacher, author, licensed acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine provider. 

I’ve trained over 15,000 yoga teachers, athletes, medical professionals, physical therapists, and coaches on how to fuse anatomy, western medicine and cutting-edge science with traditional yoga practices to therapeutically support individuality and holistic wellness.

Today, I’m dedicated to helping teachers and students nourish their health and feel their best through a combination of research-based approaches, traditional modalities, and over 28 years of experience!

Expand your knowledge. Elevate your practice. Enrich your life.

Join us LIVE on May 7th at 12pm PST to learn empowering acupressure practices designed to swiftly and effectively alleviate PMS symptoms, plus a bonus Q&A with Tiffany when you join us live!