Myofascial Release Bundle for the Neck & Shoulders
By Tiffany Cruikshank, L.Ac, MAOM, E-RYT & Founder of Yoga Medicine
This course begins with an intro to the fascia as well as some background on myofascial release for yoga students or teachers. Myofascial release techniques can be a very helpful adjunct to a yoga practice to help with range of motion, injuries, scar tissue, tension, muscle recovery (for athletes) or muscle function. In this course you will learn how to use self myofascial release techniques, what to avoid and the goals of this work. Then you will be guided through specific techniques that you can utilize anytime.
This package includes the intro to myofascial release and a separate video with techniques & application to the neck & shoulders. This program can be used for shorter or longer durations, simply stop, fast forward or use only what seems most helpful so you can apply the information in the intro to personalize the duration, frequency & techniques for your body.