Beatrice - my athlete world


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Curated By:

Beatrice Brunelli

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6 Videos

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MFR: Lower Legs

Feet and lower legs feeling tired or sore? This is a short and sweet refresher for…

Myofascial Release

20 min

Valerie Knopik

MFR Slow Flow: Runner’s Recovery

Enjoy a slow feel-good flow, incorporating myofascial release, to restore and rele…

Myofascial Release

30 min

Valerie Knopik

MFR & Mobility When You're Sore

Too stiff and sore to challenge yourself today? Remember it’s only when we rest th…

Myofascial Release

20 min

Rachel Land

Hamstring Mobility & Eccentrics

Stretching is relaxing and feels great, but it isn't a complete solution for those…

Hatha Vinyasa

30 min

Jenni Tarma

Myofascial Release for Mental Health

This practice focuses on relieving areas of the body that get constricted and lock…

Myofascial Release

30 min

Dana Diament

Morning Yin & Meditation

This morning practice is focused on hydrating the connective tissue & clarifying t…

Yin Yoga

30 min

Tiffany Cruikshank