Myofascial Release Bundle for the Legs & Feet, Hips, Neck & Shoulders Online Course - Yoga Medicine

Myofascial Release Bundle for the Legs & Feet, Hips, Neck & Shoulders Online Course


(27 customer reviews)

Course Description

The Myofascial Release Bundle begins with an intro to the fascia as well as some background on myofascial release for yoga students or teachers. Myofascial release techniques can be a very helpful adjunct to a yoga practice to help with range of motion, injuries, scar tissue, tension, muscle recovery (for athletes) or muscle function. In this course, you will learn how to use self-myofascial release techniques, what to avoid, and the benefits of this self-care work. Then you will be guided through specific techniques that you can utilize anytime.

This course is suitable for anyone, all levels of yoga as well as novices.

Course Details

  • A yoga block and two balls of the same size, roughly the size of a tennis or racketball. MFR balls are helpful, but not essential.
  • Optional yet useful: blanket or towel.
  • Props needed would include: 2 yoga chairs (with back removed), 1 sandbag, 2 blankets (minimum) or 4 blankets (ideal), two 4” yoga blocks (preferably cork), 2 10” yoga straps, 2 bolsters (minimum) while 4 is desirable.
  • Foundational knowledge in anatomy, restorative yoga, yin yoga and chair yoga will be helpful, but not required to complete this course.
  • An introduction to myofascial release.
  • 3 separate instructional videos on techniques and application of myofascial release to the:
    1. legs and feet
    2. hips
    3. neck and shoulders
  • This program can be used for shorter or longer durations, simply stop, fast forward or use only what seems most helpful.
  • This course is designed so you can apply the information in the intro to personalize the duration, frequency, and techniques for your body.
  • This course is suitable for anyone — those new to yoga as well as yoga teachers!
  • This course is not eligible for any hours of continuing education hours with Yoga Medicine® and/or Yoga Alliance.
  • This course is available on-demand and does not expire, so you can always return to practice and revisit the material to deepen your understanding over time.
  • How to integrate MFR into your yoga practice and/or your daily routine.
  • MFR techniques that you can utilize anywhere, every day.

About The Teacher

Tiffany Cruikshank is the founder of Yoga Medicine®. She has been teaching for over 25 years, has a pre-med Bachelor’s degree in Medicinal Plant Biology, and a Masters in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (MAOM) with a specialty in Sports Medicine and Orthopedics. Tiffany was previously the Acupuncturist and Yoga Teacher at the Nike World Headquarters in Portland, Oregon, and has worked with over 25,000 patients.

27 reviews for Myofascial Release Bundle for the Legs & Feet, Hips, Neck & Shoulders Online Course

  1. Emily


    I enjoyed learning about each aspect of the body and how to really focus on those tough areas using myofascial release. So often in yoga we rush through things, but facia requires us to slow down and really pay attention to how things are feeling. I loved the instruction and easy flow of the course.

  2. Ulrike Schablin

    Ulrike Schablin

    What I like about the Myofascial Release Bundle for the Legs and Feet, Hips, Neck and Shoulders: you do not have to be an expert in Yoga or therapy as the topic is shortly very well explained. It has a very simple but exact didactic structure, so that I would suggest it to everybody who’s interested in selfceare or working on one of these areas in the body.
    This was one of the first courses on yoga medicine platform. I use this one until today. It helped and is still helping me when I work with my one on one students . MFR HELPS STUDENTS TO FEEL INSTANT RELIEVE, … so its my little secret bible. When someone asks for help with their shoulder-/ hip- / or back pain. Even my mum could heal her heel spur in addition to her medical advice within 7 months. I myself use especially the hip MFR. Without it, I would have had hip surgery already for sure. I have Labral Tear and pincher-cam impingement.
    This course was my door to the Yoga Medicine Family.

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    Irene (verified owner)

    I love this bundle! Luckily, I was able to attend YogaMedicine’s teacher training on Yoga For Athlete’s with Tiffany a few years ago and found this bundle to be an excellent reminder of the many self myofascial release techniques which we were taught and performed as a part of the the training. They are excellently explained and demonstrated techniques which can be easily executed to deliver profound results! I highly recommend this bundle.

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    Shanti Chagnon (verified owner)

    The Myofascial Release Bundle is an excellent choice to learn how to release tension in multiple areas. The instruction is clear, concise and very detailed. The structure allows you to release individual sections of the body or full body release. I pick up a new tidbit of info each time I go back to the course. Super high quality instruction and professionalism with Tiffany. Highly recommend any of the courses offered here.

  5. Avatar


    This bundle is a great, simple and concise overview of fascia and introduction into methods for working with it in a yoga setting. Great as an introduction or refresher to the full length training!

  6. Avatar


    This is such a wonderful course! I love that I can come back to it time and time again to explore the practices and refresh whenever needed. The content is clear, concise and accessible to anyone who wants to add some active recovery into their routine. Highly recommend

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    Lisa McCabe

    This is an amazing course and a great introduction to myofascial release. It gave some great tools to use not only within my own practice but with my students too and it spurred my interest in fascia. This led to me attending the Myofascial intensive and now expanding that knowledge with Tiffany’s Functional Anatomy course. It’s easy to follow and allows you to really explore your own body. Highly recommend.

  8. Rachel Workman

    Rachel Workman

    I love the straight forward approach of this course. It is practical and hands on which makes it accessible to both a teacher who may want to share these tools with their students, as well as a student who wants to learn how to apply the techniques for their own need. I highly recommend this course as a refresher or an introduction to MfR.

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    Krisna Hoffman

    Amazing classes. Tiffany is a knowledgeable and gifted teacher. I especially loved the shoulder / neck video. It definitely helped my shoulder heal from an injury and I’m able to enjoy full range of motion again.

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    Rheannon Rua Blount (verified owner)

    A great overview of myofascial release with tools for specific areas! Loved it!

  11. Linsey Birusingh

    Linsey Birusingh

    This course deepened my knowledge of fascia and function, and I use Tiffany’s techniques with most of my clients as an adjunct to yoga and meditative practices. I highly recommend this course for any teacher looking to better serve their students.

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    Sarah Di Ganci

    This is a fantastic course-bundle for anyone interested in getting started with Myofascial Release (MFR). The lovely thing is that it’s gauged towards students and teachers, so I use it in my own practice and in instructing others.

    The concept of muscle and fascia release can seem like too much of a science-head task to be relaxing and a finicky thing to fit into your day because MFR requires props. However, give it a bit of time to learn the practices and it’ll be easy and extremely worthwhile for your body, mind and nervous system to incorporate, not only into your movement practice space-of-choice, but anywhere you can bring a prop (or whatever you already have that can be used as a make-shift prop) to have a quick MFR snack no matter where you are – mat, garden, desk, car, near a wall – there are lots of accessible variations.

    It can be helpful to spread the practices out over the week and avoid the all-or-nothing mindset (which isn’t helpful with any form of healthy-habit forming), with hands and feet in one session maybe, legs and feet another or neck and shoulder in another and another with special attention to the hips and so on. I’d recommend dividing your weekly routine into underwhelming chunks of MFR, asana, meditation, movement, cardio, etcetera, whenever you get a small window of opportunity or feel you should probably fit some mind-body practices into your day as a preventative longterm wellbeing-management lifestyle choice.

    MFR is a mind-body release-practice because when you pay attention, on purpose, to the practice as you are doing it in the moment, you will not only notice the benefits in that moment, but your brain will fully integrate the benefits of the practice into your nervous system and you will be more likely to practice again and again because you’ve trained your brain and body to want more of a good thing.

    Learn the basics of MFR, watch Tiffany explain and demonstrate the practices and it gets easier and more enjoyable from thereon in.

    The instructional videos are always there if-and-when you need a refresher.

    Good luck!

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    Mari Kleiven (verified owner)

    I really enjoyed this course, very clear and precise directions. Would strongly recommend this to others:)

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    As always, I love Tiffany’s explanations and how she expertly integrates them into practice. I return to these practices again and again.

  15. Marybeth

    Marybeth (verified owner)

    This bundle was packed full with great information and techniques on how to access areas of the body that tend to create a lot of pain and tension. I learned new techniques and was felt really good after all of the sequences!

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    As a yoga teacher and clinician, I found the myofascial release online course a great overview of how to use the technique for myself and share it with others. The course is divided into short sections and Tiffany is clear and concise with her explanations, visually working through the exercises to demonstrate the practice. I would recommend the course for anyone who is interested in learning more about fascial release and how to use this practice for their health and wellbeing.

  17. Kim Greefhorst

    Kim Greefhorst


  18. Rachel Land

    Rachel Land

    Powerful self-care techniques for the whole body – easy to use at home, or for teachers to sprinkle into classes. Tiffany explains each technique clearly and simply in a way that encourages exploration, as well as showing options to increase or decrease sensation. I highly recommend this as an introduction to self myofascial release.

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    Sue Mc (verified owner)

    This is a great introduction to Myofascial release. Great tips and classes.

  20. Silke Steg

    Silke Steg

    I love the bundle. I did the Myofascial live training with Tiffany and I use the videos to refresh what I’ve learnt in the training. Without or without the training if you love Myofascial Release you should try the bundle. You won’t regret it.

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    Andrea Porter (verified owner)

    Tiffany’s vast knowledge and experience made these classes interesting and accessible. Yoga medicine’s community of knowledgeable teachers and exceptional teaching methods is what has led me to be currently pursuing my 500hr teaching certification with YM. I highly recommend these very accessible classes to everyone!

  22. Adam Whiting

    Adam Whiting

    Myofascial Release has been a game-changer in my life. As soon as I integrated these techniques into my movement practices, my recovery time and pain levels both decreased. The techniques I learned from Tiffany and the Yoga Medicine team were clear, powerful and effective. Would recommend this course to anyone!

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    Jessica (verified owner)

    The myofascial release bundle is amazing. You’ll learn about how to release muscles and connective tissue in several areas of the body and included are great MFR practices that I constantly come back to. It’s an awesome way to introduce MFR into your own practice, and I have used some of these techniques in my classes I teach. Tiffany explains things SO clearly, helps you experience it in your own body, and then, if you teach, gives you the confidence to share it with others.

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    Allie Lougheed

    This is the perfect bundle to learn how to spend some time on each part of your body unwinding tension. Tiffany delivers clear and helpful instructions and landmarks to help you know where to roll along with various techniques to try. Super high-quality instruction and as always, and the perfect remedy to come back to over and over again to release and rejuvenate tired and bound up spots. Cannot recommend highly enough!

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    Andrea Tinajero (verified owner)

    This course was so helpful to release all the tension that I had been struggling with for years. As a pianist, the repetitive motion and stress of daily life lead to muscle pain, specially in the shoulders and arms. However, this bundle also helped me release tension in my legs and feet from playing the pedal and my hips from sitting for long periods of time. I can easily do myofascial release at home when I need it the most with these videos.

  26. Avatar


    This course bundle is excellent. The instruction is clear, and concise.

    I love that you get an introduction to fascia, the techniques that will be used, and set up so you to know what to expect if new to this type of practice. You can either work through the whole bundle for a full body release, or take the practices individually, and as they are short around 30 minutes it’s easy to fit into your day, and when you get familiar even dipping in to use just what you need that day!

    These practices have been go to for me after travelling, or long days at my desk, but also to supplement my movement practices to help with range of motion, scar tissue, tension, muscle recovery . I use the tools I have learned from this regularly. This course is also a great precursor and preparation if you plan to take the Myofascial Release 500 hour module particularly if Myofasical Release is new to you.

  27. Avatar


    The Myofascial Release Bundle: for the Legs and Feet, Hips Neck and Shoulders is excellent. The instruction is clear, and concise.

    I love that you get an introduction to fascia, the techniques that will be used, and set up so you to know what to expect if new to this type of practice. You can either work through the whole bundle for a full body release, or take the practices individually, and as they are short around 30 minutes it’s easy to fit into your day, and when you get familiar even dipping in to use just what you need that day!

    These practices have been go to for me after travelling, or long days at my desk, but also to supplement my movement practices to help with range of motion, scar tissue, tension, muscle recovery . I use the tools I have learned from this regularly. This course is also a great precursor and preparation if you plan to take the Myofascial Release 500 hour module particularly if Myofasical Release is new to you.

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