Alison Heilig

CPT, CES, E-RYT500 & Yoga Medicine® Therapeutic Specialist

Alison is an accomplished ultramarathoner and triathlete with a history of competing in both CrossFit and Olympic Weightlifting. She is a Level 2 RRCA-Certified Running Coach, a certified Personal Trainer (CPT) and Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES) through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, and a Yoga Medicine Teacher.

Alison’s Bio

She works with people to create sustainable movement and harmonious wellness strategies to maximize durability so her clients can stay active and keep pursuing the things they enjoy in life. Her first book, The Durable Runner, helps runners develop a solid training strategy to remain physically and mentally durable and she is currently working on her second book — tentatively named Durability.

Alison’s Classes