Koshas: 5 Layers of Being

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The koshas, originating from the ancient Taittiriya Upanishad, offer a holistic framework for understanding the layers of our being in yoga. By exploring the koshas in practice, we can connect with all aspects of ourselves from the outermost, tangible body to the deepest sense of inner peace. In this monthly dose, we’ll dive into how we can tune into each kosha while on the mat, bringing greater awareness and integration of these layers into our practice.

Curated By:

Dana Diament

Prana-Fueled Recharge

Ignite your inner spark by tuning into your life force, prana, through a balanced …

Hatha Vinyasa

45 min

Dana Diament

Backline Release & Awaken

In this class you’ll use myofascial release to highlight sensations and awareness …

Myofascial Release

30 min

Dana Diament

Inner Wisdom, Trust & Courage

This yin class invites you to shift from the thinking mind into the heart, the hom…

Yin Yoga

60 min

Dana Diament

Awaken Joy with Udana Vayu

This pranayama practice focuses on Udana Vayu, the upward-moving energy that gover…


15 min

Dana Diament