Strength & Resilience Series
We all know the importance of muscular strength, but its value is not purely for power & vanity. Our fascination at YMO is more for its effects on the health of the whole body. This series is efficient & effective, focusing on a trifecta of 1) building muscular strength with super slow contractions, 2) enhancing connective tissue resilience with eccentric contractions (lengthening a muscle as it’s engaging) and 3) the calming effect of exhale focused breathing throughout. You’ll have timed 90 second sets of super slow contractions so you can work at your own breath pace and find a challenge to meet you where you’re at. Research shows that time under load or slow contractions are critical for strength gains, due to the recruitment of more motor units in these slow movements. Just 1-2x a week is all you need, but you’ll need to be fully committed in this practice and actively engage to create resistance, working to fatigue in each set.