Inside the Yoga Sutras – The Path to Freedom Online Course - Yoga Medicine

Inside the Yoga Sutras – The Path to Freedom Online Course


Course Description

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is a classic yoga text that defines the 8-Limbed Path of Yoga and explores the techniques for achieving union, the ultimate definition of Yoga. Typically a required text for many teacher training programs, The Yoga Sutras is a rich resource of both philosophy and techniques that can be integrated into self-study and personal growth, and brought into teaching classes as tools for contemplation and reflection. 

This course is an in-depth examination of The Yoga Sutras, highlighting particular sutras for exploration and discussion. Geared towards those seeking to learn more about yoga philosophy, the course goes through each section of The Yoga Sutras and provides theme-related yoga practices. Your instructor — Diane Malaspina, an applied psychologist and yoga teacher — will teach participants tools for incorporating the content into practice and teaching, both on and off of the yoga mat.

Course Details

  • Understand the historical relevance of The Yoga Sutras.
  • Think about how ancient philosophy relates to issues today.
  • Monitor personal habits and practices and realign with the philosophical principles.
  • Integrate lessons into class theming and teaching of yoga.
  • Pen and paper for notes but remember, a downloadable handout comes with this course.
  • The following props will be helpful sources of support for the practice session: 2 blocks, a blanket, a strap, and a bolster.
  • 2.5hrs of online training content
  • Lectures focused on the history of The Yoga Sutras and their importance in yogic philosophy.
  • Exposure and enhanced understanding of the sutras from a classic sense and how they relate to contemporary practice.
  • Contemplative exercises to reflect on philosophical lessons.
  • Tools for using the philosophy in daily life and practice.
  • Self study skills through journal prompts.
  • An informative course handout available for download.
  • A course certificate after the successful completion of the online quiz.
  • This course is eligible for 3 hours of continuing educational hours with Yoga Medicine® and/or Yoga Alliance.
  • This course is available on demand and does not expire, so you can always return to practice and revisit the material to deepen your understanding over time.
  • Enhanced understanding through deeper exploration and reflection of yoga philosophy.
  • Experiences by way of journal exercises and yoga practices with focus on yogic philosophy – relevant for both personal practice and teaching.
  • Benefits of following the 8-Limbed Path (as outlined in The Yoga Sutras) cultivated by both inward and outward change in thought and behavior.

Jenni Tarma

About The Teacher

Diane is a psychologist and yoga teacher with over 15 years of experience in the health and wellness field. She is a Yoga Medicine® E-RYT 500 instructor and Therapeutic Specialist. Diane teaches meditation workshops, leads retreats, and offers 200- and 300-hour yoga teacher training programs in her community.

As an Applied Psychologist, Diane’s area of expertise is human development and resilience over the lifespan, particularly helping individuals cope with stress. Stress can be related to genetic/biological variables or environmental causes, and her goal is to create positive behavioral change through solid intervention techniques aimed at reducing stress and acquiring positive coping strategies. She lives a few blocks from the Atlantic Ocean in Virginia Beach with her husband, Omar, and rescue dog, Prana.


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