Mobility Week

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Just as it sounds, we’ll explore mobility in all of its forms this week - active, passive, in transition, static, and using MFR to enhance range of motion.

Curated By:

Tiffany Cruikshank


Mellow Mobility Flow

What if easy mobility was your natural state, and you didn’t have to push or striv…

Hatha Vinyasa

30 min

Rachel Land


Myofascial Release for Tissue Resilience

This class focuses in on the most common areas that tend to get congested and uses…

Myofascial Release

30 min

Tiffany Cruikshank


Shoulder Mobility & Ease

Work through a series of active shoulder mobility exercises to free up your upper …

Yoga Conditioning

30 min

Dana Diament


Create Space in Your Inner Legs

Experience familiar shapes in a new way by changing orientation and using a strap …

Yin Yoga

45 min

Steph Wall


Upper-Back Mobility

Grab this mobility focused class when your upper back needs some attention, we’ll …

Hatha Vinyasa

30 min

Tiffany Cruikshank


Range of Motion + Resilience

A comprehensive and creative practice to help you move and refresh the entire body…

Hatha Vinyasa

60 min

Jenni Tarma


Allowing Acceptance Meditation (Audio Only)

When we allow feelings to come and go, we find deeper clarity of what we need. We …


20 min

Valerie Knopik