Small but Mighty Feet Series

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Don’t forget the small stuff! Use this series to tap into the potential in your feet to improve biomechanics, gait, efficiency of movement, minimize injuries or work with issues in this area or further up the chain (calves, knees, hips, IT bands, low back). A great series for bunions, plantar fasciitis, neuroma, achilles tendonitis, shin splints, and arches. For those with bunions I recommend using a toe separator during class, especially for those with visible changes. For those without foot issues, these classes are a great way to expand awareness, control, & efficiency of movement. For those with foot issues or difficulty with these movements, repeat regularly even if it’s just one or two moves that are really challenging or helpful (some of these moves can take months to master, it did for me and my bunions!). And for those with a predisposition or genetic tendencies toward bunions you may need to come back to this later or seasonally as I do. The system is built to be resilient so be patient as you support the inherent strength of this system. The small stuff adds up and is easy to overlook but this specific work can make a huge impact! If you are having any foot/ankle/calf issues explore this series to find what helps as you search for the weak links you can enhance to make the system more resilient. This is not meant to replace medical care.

Curated By:

Tiffany Cruikshank

Small but Mighty Feet 1

Don’t forget the small stuff! Use this series to tap into the potential in your fe…

Hatha Vinyasa

45 min

Tiffany Cruikshank

Small but Mighty Feet 2

No need to do the classes in this series in any particular order. This class focus…

Hatha Vinyasa

60 min

Tiffany Cruikshank

Small but Mighty Feet 3 in 20, 60, or 75

A great class for feet, movement efficiency, and anchoring a restless mind. You do…

Hatha Vinyasa

75 min

Tiffany Cruikshank