Yoga for Hypermobility Online Course


Course Description

Hypermobility, technically called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS), is a group of inherited connective tissue disorders caused by various defects in the synthesis of collagen. EDS is a complex condition that often includes a constellation of seemingly disconnected symptoms, making it challenging to obtain a diagnosis. Since hypermobile people tend to self-select for movement modalities where they are potentially rewarded and praised for their extreme flexibility (like yoga!), it’s important for teachers to be able to pinpoint the characteristics of the condition and instruct these students in a safe manner that serves to mitigate symptoms, rather than exacerbate them. Yoga for Hypermobility, instructed by Jenni Tarma, is an online course designed to teach yoga teachers the practical tools to safely teach hypermobile students in group classes.

Course Details

  • Common symptoms of EDS, and their effects on physical wellbeing and mental health.
  • Skills to identify hypermobile tendencies in a student.
  • Appropriate modifications for hypermobile students in a group class setting.
  • Tools for working with hypermobile students one-on-one: safe techniques for building strength, learning to stabilize joints, reduce sensations of instability, mitigate the chronic stress and nervous system effects of EDS.
  • Access to standard props will be helpful: 4 blocks, 3 blankets, bolster, strap.
  • A downloadable handout is provided.
  • Course length: nearly 4hrs of online training content.
  • Multidisciplinary learning methods:
    • Lecture content to present a core understanding of the presentation and effects of hypermobility, including its highly variable nature.
    • Asana practices to solidify real-life application of this information
  • An informative course handout available for download.
  • A course certificate after the successful completion of the online quiz
  • This course is eligible for 4 hours of continuing education hours with Yoga Medicine® and/or Yoga Alliance.
  • This course is available on-demand and does not expire, so you can always return to practice and revisit the material to deepen your understanding over time.
  • Gain an understanding of the real-life effects of EDS, including physical symptoms as well as the more subtle effects on mental health and nervous system function.
  • Equip yourself with practical tools to safely teach hypermobile students in group classes.
  • Feel confident working with hypermobile students therapeutically in a one-on-one setting.

Jenni Tarma

About The Teacher

Jenni is a lifelong athlete who has always found a sense of connection and focus through movement. A natural affinity for physical activity has led her to try her hand at everything from horseback riding to judo, rugby, running, gymnastics, surfing, and various forms of dance. As an adult, she has settled into the meditative routine of endurance running, while her competitive side enjoys the high intensity and variability of CrossFit and Olympic weightlifting. Yoga, on the other hand, provides the thread of continuity that runs through all of her athletic endeavors, allows her to perform mindfully and safely even in high-pressure situations, and balance exertion with adequate recovery.

Her interest in movement has led her to complete a Teaching Yoga To Athletes certification with Sage Rountree, a 500hr program in biomechanics with Jules Mitchell, a Road Runners’ Club of America Endurance Coaching certification, a CrossFit L1 coaching credential, and motivates her to keep chipping away at her 1000hr training with Yoga Medicine®. She is the founder of Kaari Prehab, a service offering customized mobility and recovery programming for athletes ranging from elite weightlifters to weekend golfers.

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