By Frannie McClure for Yoga Medicine.
Another new year. Another fresh start. Another chapter in the book. Another fresh page to begin again.
Each new year comes with an excitement, an eagerness… but sometimes a little fear. And maybe, some pressure to achieve lofty goals, to set the world on fire, to go out of the gate January 1, guns blazing!
But what if, instead of diving head first into the new year, killing ourselves to get to where we need to go, what if we walked into January with grace for ourselves and those around us? What if our resolution was to be kinder to ourselves, to have patience, to take more time to rest?
What if we started the New Year softly?
As the final days of December came to a close, I thought about this concept a lot and what it might look like in my life. And as I reflected on the past year and looked to the year ahead, the first Yama came to mind: Ahimsa.
Those who are familiar with the Yamas and Niyamas will know that “ahimsa” means non-violence. And most of the time, we associate this with violence towards others. But, could this also be flipped, and refer to a type of sabotage towards ourselves?
As you catapult into 2025, moving and shaking and setting your goals, maybe ask yourself this: does this busyness, this fast-paced life, this ladder climbing, this crazy day-to-day, serve me? Is something else suffering? Maybe time with family or loved ones? Sleep? A quiet mind? Self-care? Nourishment? Peace?
I would argue, friend, that neglecting your peace can be destructive against self. And just as you would never dream of hurting a dear friend, treat yourself in kind.
What would serve your inner peace and mental dialogue this New Year? I don’t know about you, but 2024 was fun and busy and amazing and a whirlwind… and I was tired in December! So this is preaching to the choir. My body and mind felt the effects of 2024 in a way that made me reflect and ask myself, “Do I need to pause instead of push?”
One thing that did go by the wayside was my yoga practice. Though I taught it and studied it, though it was a part of my weekly life, I forgot to take moments to relish it for myself.
Within yoga, on or off our mats, we can find that moment of quiet and pause within the noise. We can remind ourselves that, just as we are kind to a child, we can be kind to ourselves.
Take a moment, right now, to close your eyes. Pay attention only to your breath. Feel it coming in and out, easeful and steady. Notice the rise and fall of your belly. Let the to-do lists float away as the breath becomes slower and deeper. Linger here for several minutes. If you have the time, drape your legs over a chair seat and lie on the ground, continuing to observe your breath. Let yourself melt into the earth with every exhale. Fill to the brim with fresh oxygen with every inhale. Give yourself the gift of a pause.
Once you bring yourself back, whenever you’re ready, observe how you feel. Maybe your heartbeat is slower; maybe, the tension has left your jaw and neck; maybe, you feel just a little lighter.
My challenge to you this year is this: start the year softly, gently, kindly, quietly, lovingly, beautifully, dreamily, sweetly, cozily, warmly…
Ask yourself, what does ahimsa look like for me in this new moment. How can I, even amidst the roar of excitement, give myself grace to go at my own pace, in my own time?
Don’t challenge yourself to go go go, push push push.
Challenge yourself to find that moment of peace and light…
and rest in it.
About the Author
Growing up extremely active, Frannie has been surrounded by different forms of fitness her entire life. Movement became even more of a passion of hers after she was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia years ago. Strength training, yoga and functional work were the only things that allowed her to feel like herself again. She began to develop a deep love, awe, and hunger to learn more about what we call home—the body!
Frannie constantly educates herself about new, safe, and effective ways to help her students. She is a 500 hour Therapeutic Specialist through Yoga Medicine and has completed her personal training certification through the National Academy of Sports Medicine.
It is Frannie’s mission to help others through yoga and personal training to allow them to feel empowered and capable of anything on and off the mat. She hopes one day to change many peoples lives by showing them just how strong they are.
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