Yoga Medicine® Teacher Connection Series: Sangha & Svadhyhya Online Course

Current Status
Not Enrolled
Get Started

Welcome to your Yoga Medicine® Teacher Connection Series: Sangha & Svadhyhya Online Course! We created this live online course to help support our teachers with a more interactive format, however you can either attend the weekly live sessions or watch the recordings to stay on top of the information as it progresses. You will also receive access to pre-recorded asana classes each week that support the weekly sessions – live recordings and pre-recorded asana classes will remain available throughout the duration of the live course (but removed afterwards – you will have 30 days after Session 6 goes live to watch all the videos).

This course has six, 1-hour live weekly sessions – one session will become available per week. Each 1-hour session will involve a mini practice, prompts for discussion and areas to reflect on during the week ahead, along with pre-recorded asana classes as self-care & inspiration along the way.

This teachers series is about connection & support for our teachers, rather than educational curriculum. Therefore, it will not count as hours towards your 500-hour/1000-hour Yoga Medicine certification nor as CEUs with Yoga Alliance. Because of this, there is also no final exam or certificate provided upon completion.

Please note that there are no actual “lessons/topics” built into the course. The videos are all on the home portal – so because there aren’t any lessons/topics/exams to complete, the course will continue to say 0% complete.

LIVE Sessions Schedule (9-10am PST | 12-1pm EST):

  • Tuesday, January 21st: Session 1 – Tune In & Get Clarity
  • Tuesday, January 28th: Session 2 – Pattern Recognition
  • Tuesday, February 4th: Session 3 – Resources
  • Tuesday, February 11th: Session 4 – Challenges & Opportunities
  • Tuesday, February 18th: Session 5 – Perspective & Priority
  • Tuesday, February 25th: Session 6 – Integration & Forward Momentum

Join the scheduled Live Session

LIVE Session Recordings

You can watch the live session recordings using the video player below – each week the new recording will be added to the playlist. Just use the white dropdown arrow in the upper left-hand corner of the video player to toggle between each sessions’ recording. Within this video player, you can go fullscreen, change the speed, add closed captioning, and more.

Completion Policy

You will have 30 days after the last live session becomes available on February 25th to watch the live session recordings and pre-recorded asana classes. Access to the course materials will be removed for all participants after March 27th, so please be sure to stay on top of the material each week.

Pre-Session Journal Prompts

Prior to each weekly live session, you will be given journal prompts to review and reflect on which you will be able to find in this section.

Session 1 – Tune In & Get Clarity

  • What is the state of my mind, body, spirit?
  • How is the general quality of my connections with other people?
  • When I start my work for the day, I feel…
  • When I finish my work for the day, I feel…

Session 2 – Pattern Recognition, Intention, Motivation, Goals, What’s Holding Me Back 

  • In what ways do I feel safe and secure in my life right now?
  • In what ways do I feel challenged? When faced with adversity I feel…
  • What are your hesitations when you think about your future? Is something holding you back?
  • Name something that you are curious about exploring as a teacher (it can be a topic, workshop, future training, etc.)
  • What information do you think you need to know to understand this? What questions pop up?
  • What do you find fun or meaningful about this information?
  • Reflecting on a period in life where things were clicking well, what were the common denominators within that period (i.e., mindset, who you lived with, regularly practicing yoga, time management, etc.)?

Weekly YMO Support Videos

You can watch the weekly pre-recorded asana classes here – each week’s playlist will include 3 new classes. Just use the white dropdown arrow in the upper left-hand corner of the video player to toggle between each sessions’ recording. Within this video player, you can go fullscreen, change the speed, add closed captioning, and more.

Session 1: Tune in, Clarify Purpose, Pain Points

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If you have any content questions, email them to Katie at

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