The Real Reason You'll Fail Your New Year’s Resolution - Yoga Medicine

The Real Reason You’ll Fail Your New Year’s Resolution

J.R. Duren from HighYa shares some insight into why people fail their New Year’s Resolutions, and how to be part of the 8% that actually succeed.

Image of a group yoga class from an article on why people have trouble sticking to their New Years Resolution

The Top Reasons Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail

It’s that time of the year – New Year’s resolution time. However, there’s a problem. All those cookies, brownies, hams, turkeys and whatever else was put before you at the holiday dinner table are now begging for you to remain within their oh-so-delicious grasp. They’re doing everything they can to foil your plans to lose weight or get in shape, two goals that made the top five New Year’s resolutions in 2015. The truth is, temptations and unexpected hurdles are quite effective in derailing our goals, so much so that only an estimated 8% of us actually follow through on our New Year’s resolutions. That’s a pretty small slice of the more than 100 million of us who make resolutions each year.

What’s even more interesting is, that every January there are literally thousands of articles and posts from casual writers, so-called “experts” and legit experts who write, at length, about why we fail and how we can succeed with our resolutions. In our opinion, it would be pretty amazing to be part of the 8% who actually succeed. But more than that, we want to see that 8% change. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if 88% of us succeeded instead of a meager 8%? Call it idealistic, but we’d like to change our success rates for New Year’s resolutions. To do that, we embarked on a three-part series on resolutions. Our trio of articles includes:

• Why we fail at our New Year’s resolutions
• What we can do to succeed with our New Year’s resolutions
• Top New Year’s Resolutions tips from psychologists, mental health professionals, and fitness experts.

Throughout this series we dig into the real reasons why we fail and how we can succeed, consulting a wide range of experts to come up with useable, powerful information. Click here to read the full article – including tips from Tiffany Cruikshank!

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