Yin & Meditation Yoga Teacher Training

Master the subtle aspects of teaching Yin yoga and meditation, plus learn the science behind what makes these two introspective practices incredibly effective.

Yin & Meditation Yoga Teacher Training | Online


Training Description

Explore how stretching, meditation, and mindfulness affect physiology and psychology, and discover therapeutic applications that support wellbeing and balance in mind, body and spirit. The Yin & Meditation Yoga Teacher Training — a curriculum close to our heart — is co-taught by Tiffany Cruikshank and Rashmi Bismark, MD, MPH.

Through a combination of lecture, discussion and practice, this 55-hour training examines the latest research on fascia and its implications on passive stretching in a Yin yoga practice. You will learn how to use props and smart sequencing to teach safe, effective and therapeutic Yin practices — backed by science.

Additionally, we’ll look at Chinese Medicine and its application in Yin and meditation, using the meridians to support the energetic body. You will understand how to introduce and guide a meditation practice, as well as address common misconceptions and hindrances to empower your students’ experience.

Upon completion of this training, you’ll have the expertise to seamlessly intertwine the power of Yin, meditation and mindfulness to create outcome-based, transformative group and private practices — based on what research suggests to support range of motion, neurotransmitters, the endocrine and immune systems, epigenetics, neuroplasticity, cognitive function, and more.

Since this training involves an introspective practice of self-inquiry through practice and mindfulness, participants must have a strong desire to cultivate a meditation practice or already have a regular meditation practice.

We welcome the seasoned or novice meditator as long as both show up with an open mind!

Training Details

The Yin & Meditation Teacher Training kicks off with a deep dive into the science of stretching and research around fascia in order to look at the therapeutic implications of Yin yoga. 

You’ll dissect the what, why, when and how behind both the gross and subtle aspects of teaching a Yin yoga practice and all the details in between to give you everything you need to teach group Yin classes and incorporate Yin yoga into private sessions.

This curriculum also includes a mastery of Chinese Medicine Principles and the essentials of teaching meditation. We’ll cover how to facilitate meditation in group and private settings, and how current research around meditation practices can offer beneficial perspectives for your students.

We will also examine the science behind the physiological and psychological benefits as well as the concept of neuroplasticity and how it relates to meditation. You’ll see an overview of styles and techniques to help guide your students and your own practice.

Throughout the training, you can expect meditation practices intermingled with lecture, light vinyasa and yin yoga. The vinyasa component is mild and moderate and is used to demonstrate how you can weave different styles together as well as help break up the lectures and bring the meridians and content to life!

Come prepared for a brain full of information as well as time spent on more contemplative personal discoveries. 

Topics that we will cover during the Yoga Medicine Yin & Meditation Online Teacher Training include:

  • The science of stretching, its effects on fascia, and what the latest research recommends in terms of yoga applications 
  • Fascia anatomy and function in a Yin practice 
  • Joint mechanics as it relates to static stretching in Yin yoga 
  • The myofascial chains and how they inform smart Yin sequencing
  • Chinese Medicine principles, Yin/Yang Theory, and using the meridians to support the energetic body
  • How to incorporate Yin into group classes vs. private sessions
  • The essentials of teaching both guided and unguided meditation, including how and when to incorporate variations such as still vs. moving, focused attention vs. open monitoring, and more
  • The effects of meditation on the brain, ways to increase neuroplasticity, and transformative learning through mindfulness
  • Obstacles in the meditation practice and how to address them
  • Individualizing private sessions to support uniqueness

We created this online training to be flexible with your schedule so you can complete it at your own pace. 

After signing up, you’ll get instant access to six curated sections of pre-recorded lectures, asana practices, and take-home assignments. There will also be case studies along the way to help you integrate the information.

We also have scheduled “office hours” via Zoom to help support you throughout the training. If you’re unable to join the Zoom calls, you can post your questions online and watch the recording within the online portal whenever you like.

Live Office Hours Schedule (subject to change):

  • Wednesday, November 6th @ 11am - 12pm PST | 2-3pm EST
  • Wednesday, December 4th @ 11am - 12pm PST | 2-3pm EST
  • Wednesday, January 8th @ 11am - 12pm PST | 2-3pm EST

This training will count as 55 ‘in-person/contact’ hours towards your 500-hour/1000-hour Yoga Medicine certification. Directly following the training you will be invited to take an online exam to receive your certificate of completion and training hours. 

There is no deadline by which you need to complete the training as you’ll have unlimited access to all the training materials — even after completion! These online training hours will also be recognized as 55 continuing education hours (CEUs) by Yoga Alliance.

For teachers dedicated to a higher standard of learning looking to deepen their knowledge.

The Yin & Meditation Yoga Teacher Training is a 55-hour advanced online training for yoga teachers, physicians, healthcare providers and fitness instructors with yoga experience who are interested in learning more about this invaluable curriculum. 

To fully benefit from this training, we recommend that anyone considering enrollment is actively working with students and clients within a yoga or therapeutic setting.

Yoga Medicine® believes that an experienced yoga teacher is an impactful asset to our healthcare systems.

With our credentials, students and healthcare facilities can trust that their yoga teacher is trained with a depth of knowledge in the fusion of research, science and traditional practices as well as a range of experience.

Chloe Banks

Yoga Teacher

“I wanted to add yin into my yoga teachings, so the Yin & Meditation Module was incredibly beneficial. I love learning about how science merges with meditation, and I also find this super helpful for my students to be able to relay the scientific evidence as to why yin and meditation are so amazing. Thank you for all your insight, knowledge and openness to share. Incredibly grateful.”

Lee Dubocl

500-Hour Yoga Medicine Teacher

“What a wonderful experience! I am a relatively new teacher, but a long time yin student. I learned so much and am beginning now to incorporate so much that I learned on both yin and meditation to the classes I am teaching.”

Want to take the Yin & Meditation Module in-person? Click here to learn more.

Meet the teacher...

Tiffany Cruikshank

Founder of Yoga Medicine, L.Ac, MAOM, E-RYT

Tiffany is a yoga therapeutic specialist, author, licensed acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine provider.

She’s trained over 15,000 yoga teachers, athletes, medical professionals, physical therapists, bodyworkers and coaches on how to fuse anatomy, western medicine and cutting-edge research with traditional yoga practices to therapeutically support individuality and holistic wellness.

Today, she’s dedicated to helping teachers and students nourish their health and feel their best through a combination of modern science, traditional modalities, and experience.

Dr. Rashmi Bismark


Rashmi is currently in the process of completing RYT-500 training with Yoga Medicine® and is receiving mindfulness teacher training through the Oasis Institute, Center for Mindfulness, University of Massachusetts.

Dr. Bismark’s current practice is focused on offering holistic mindfulness-based lifestyle programming tailored to individuals and communities for health promotion and the improvement of risk factors and outcomes related to chronic diseases. She feels very fortunate to travel the world with her husband’s job, raising two little yoginis-in-training, and sharing mindful ways of nurturing life and healing.

Our Promise

We believe bridging the gap between yoga and medical systems is a crucial therapeutic adjunct to modern healthcare. That’s why all of our offerings strive to reach the same goal: to empower teachers and students through deeper yoga education.

We train our community of teachers to understand the body and the full spectrum of therapeutic yoga modalities so they can build a personalized practice to suit the individual across any yoga style, state of wellness, body shape, gender, anatomical differences, age, or capacity.

With our credentials, students can trust that their teacher is well-trained with a range of applied and highly specialized therapeutic experience!

Frequently Asked Questions


The Yin & Meditation Online Teacher Training is designed for yoga teachers, physicians, healthcare providers, fitness instructors, and coaches who are interested in learning more about this invaluable curriculum.

If you have a consistent yoga practice and a desire to deepen your knowledge, then we would love to have you join!

If you are new to Yoga Medicine and would like to join the 500-hour program, then please complete the online application. Upon successful completion of this training, the 55 ‘in-person/contact’ hours would automatically be applied towards your 500-hour.

More information about the 500-hour program can be found here.

If you have not taken a Chinese Medicine module or immersion previously, we recommend familiarizing yourself with Chapters 1 and 2 of the book, Voices of Qi

When you register, you will receive complimentary access to the following online courses: Conducting a Therapeutic Evaluation and Recognizing Red Flags in a Therapeutic Yoga Setting, which will also help you prepare!

After your payment has been successfully processed, you’ll immediately get a confirmation email with all your access details and next steps!

Immediately after your payment is processed, you will receive access to this training’s online portal and materials. For this reason, refund requests for online trainings are not accepted.

We appreciate your understanding.

Apply This Training Towards a 500-Hour Certification

If you are enrolled in Yoga Medicine’s 500-hour or 1000-hour program, then this training counts as 55 ‘in-person/contact’ hours towards your certification, as well as continuing education hours with Yoga Alliance!

If you are a yoga teacher interested in pursuing continued education with Yoga Medicine, then you have the option to apply to our 500-hour program (in which case, these teacher training hours will automatically apply towards your 500-hour certification process).

To learn more about our 500-hour certification program, click here.

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