Follow These Blogs to Correct Posture And Build Flexibility - Yoga Medicine

Follow These Blogs to Correct Posture And Build Flexibility

These Wise Feet shares a list of the top blogs (including Yoga Medicine) you should be following to correct posture, and build flexibility. Learn how improper posture can throw off your biomechanics and cause foot pain.

The Top Blogs To Follow For Better Posture And Flexibility

If you are suffering from the myriad of foot problems out there (Achilles Tendonitis, Plantar Fasciitis, Forefoot Varus, Sesamoiditis and even Flat Feet), then Yoga/Pilates/Physical Therapy can be excellent tools to correct your biomechanical deformities and injuries.

Poses like the Chair Pose, Tree Pose, Warrior Pose, Half Moon Pose, and Eagle Pose help create awareness of your Foot Tripod. Thus improving balance, stability and overall posture. Furthermore, poses like Downward-Facing Dog and Dolphin Pose are excellent stretches for the calf muscles.

The benefits of these practices go beyond posture and flexibility and you need the right information to get started.

Click here to keep reading. 

Looking for more information on how yoga can improve your posture and flexibility? Here is another resource on the research and benefits surrounding yoga:

These Wise Feet shares a list of the top blogs you should be following. These blogs can help correct your biomechanics and posture, and build flexibility. Yoga Medicine makes the list.

The Top Blogs To Follow For Better Posture And Flexibility

If you are suffering from the myriad of foot problems out there (Achilles Tendonitis, Plantar Fasciitis, Forefoot Varus, Sesamoiditis and even Flat Feet), then Yoga/Pilates/Physical Therapy can be excellent tools to correct your biomechanical deformities and injuries.

Poses like the Chair Pose, Tree Pose, Warrior Pose, Half Moon Pose, and Eagle Pose help create awareness of your Foot Tripod. Thus improving balance, stability and overall posture. Furthermore, poses like Downward-Facing Dog and Dolphin Pose are excellent stretches for the calf muscles.

While the benefits of these practices stretch far beyond the aforementioned posture and flexibility, getting started with the right information is of utmost importance.

Click here to keep reading. 

Looking for more information on how yoga can improve your posture and flexibility? Here is another resource on the research and benefits surrounding yoga:

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