You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read. No pressure. So if you are looking for enlightenment, guidance, transformation, self-study, awareness, and growth, start with this list of the best yoga books! These are our top picks of what to read if you are ready to be the best version of you. We even included a selection for our young readers. This is also perfect to share with the little ones in your commitment to wisdom and evolution. This list includes playfulness and a light heart as well as some very deep soul searching and chakra work. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body!
We are honored to have Tiffany’s book, Meditate Your Weight, listed on Yoga Digest’s list of Top Reads!
Meditate Your Weight:
Internationally renowned master yoga teacher and meditation, health and wellness expert, Tiffany Cruikshank (Lac, MAOM) offers an exciting way to use meditation: to lose weight and revamp your body-brain relationship with Meditate Your Weight. Meditate Your Weight provides a daily meditation program to guide you through various mental obstacles and poor habits and behaviors that stand in the way of positive body image and living a healthy life. Meditate Your Weight will help retrain your brain to rid your life of unhealthy mental habits, calm your nervous system, and maximize your mind’s role in a healthy metabolism.
Click here to view the full list by Yoga Digest.