Category Archives: Tiffany Cruikshank
110: Fascia Science Meets Acupuncture
Today hosts Tiffany and Katja are looking at where the fascia and acupuncture worlds collide. [...]
108: Integrating New Tools in Your Teaching: Teacher’s Series
Coming home from another yoga teacher training, full of new information and techniques to utilize, [...]
107: Beat Burnout
Burnout is becoming a more common experience than ever, in the yoga world and beyond, [...]
104: Safe or Fun? Teacher’s Series
Today hosts Tiffany and Rachel discuss a question many yoga teachers grapple with: should we [...]
102: Fascia & Pain, A Deeper Discussion
Today’s hosts, Tiffany and Katja, return for a deeper discussion of fascia and pain. Recently, [...]
99: Dynamic Stretching: Research Roundup
Today hosts Katja and Tiffany dive into the importance of dynamic mobility training and its [...]
98: The Pros & Cons of Using Anatomy in Yoga
There is no shortage of strong opinions on what areas of study are appropriate for [...]
97: New Perspective on Athletic Performance in the Menstrual Cycle: Research Roundup
Today hosts Tiffany and Katja talk about a topic that always draws lot of interest: [...]
95: Smarter Not Harder: Creative Sequencing
Feel pressured to make your classes new and exciting? More complex? More demanding? Today hosts [...]
93: Calm Under Pressure: Research Roundup
Today hosts Tiffany and Katja talk tips for keeping calm under pressure. This episode is [...]