Hip Mobility & Strength Assessment

Tiffany Cruikshank demonstrates how to evaluate hip mobility and pain through the Yoga Medicine Hip Assesment test.  This test is used to evaluate PROM & AROM in clients.

Supine test for hip mobility and pain.
Image 1 – Lying supine testing for pain in the hip joint. Checks for issues in the labrum including pain and inflammation.
Image 2 – Lying supine Figure 4 tests external rotation of the hip joint by stabilizing opposite ASIS and gently pressing the knee toward the ground.
Image 3 – Lying supine testing adduction of the hip by asking client to hold leg 2 inches off ground and asking them to strongly push into hand on the outside of foot. Legs should be straight.
Image 4 – Lying supine testing abduction of the hip by asking the client to hold leg 2 inches off ground and asking them to strongly push into the hand on the inside of the foot. Opposing hand holds opposing leg down. Legs should be straight, tests glute medius and minimus.
Image 5 – Lying supine testing flexion of the hip, the leg should be straight.
Image 6 – Lying prone testing extension of the hip by placing one hand on the SI joint for stabilization and bending leg to hold knee and press leg up to view the range of motion.
Image 7 – Lying prone testing hamstring strength by stabilizing PSIS and bending the leg and lightly pressing down on hamstring asking the client to resist you.
Image 8 – Lying prone Nachlas/Ely’s bring one heel from to opposite glute to test LS, SI and psoas sheath.
Image 9 – Lying prone Nachlas/Ely’s bring one heel to glute to test LS, SI and psoas sheath.
Image 10 – Lying prone testing external rotation of the hip joint.
Image 11 – Lying prone testing internal rotation of the hip joint.
Image 12 – Side lying Ober test: hip and knee flex, hold medial knee and top hip in place as take the leg into extension, flexion and adduction by letting the knee tap down. Tests tight TFL/ITB
Image 13/14 – Yeoman’s test, lie on a table and hold one knee into the belly, tests passive hip extension by letting hanging leg press back in extension. Tests SI joint and iliopsoas and rectus.
Image 13/14 – Yeoman’s test, lie on a table and hold one knee into the belly, tests passive hip extension by letting hanging leg press back in extension. Tests SI joint and iliopsoas and rectus.
Image 15/16 – Standing test the sacroiliac joint movement by making placing hands on the PSI and asking client to slow march while you feel for symmetrical shifts or drops in the leg and pelvis.
Image 15/16 – Standing test the sacroiliac joint movement by making placing hands on the PSI and asking client to slow march while you feel for symmetrical shifts or drops in the leg and pelvis.
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