How to Meditate: Yoga Medicine Founder Tiffany Cruikshank

Tiffany Cruikshank, founder of YogaMedicine sits down with MindBodyGreen to discuss the basics of why and how to meditate. She also offers some advice to those finding meditation for the first time.



How I Meditate: Yoga Medicine Founder Tiffany Cruikshank


Many of our readers want to meditate but don’t have the time or aren’t sure how to start. So we’ve reached out to mindful experts for their best practices and tips. Tiffany Cruikshank is the founder of Yoga Medicine and has treated more than 25,000 patients from all over the world using yoga, meditation, and other forms of holistic health. Here’s a glimpse into her meditation practice:


Where do you meditate?

I have a special spot in my bedroom with a nice window view of the city. It’s kind of funny since my eyes are closed, but there’s something really tranquil about it to me. Having a tranquil spot is the most important thing in my opinion.



First thing in the morning before my head fills up with emails and information.


What type of meditation do you practice?

I mostly do simple mindfulness meditation with breath awareness, but I love many other styles depending on the day and what I feel like I need that day.


Why do you meditate?

One word: sanity! In a busy world with so much happening all the time, my meditation practice keeps me grounded and keeps my brain efficient. There are so many other reasons like the impact on my internal health as well as my mental health. We are finding more and more ways that meditation benefits us, and when you practice regularly you experience that it can affect so many parts of yourself.


Props used?

I have a meditation cushion I use to sit on at home, but when I’m on the road I use whatever I have: pillow, rolled towel, you name it. I use the Mindfulness app as my timer; I like it because I can have bells ring at chosen intervals to keep me present.


What is your advice to people who are new to meditation and can’t sit still?

Start small and commit to a daily practice. Just three minutes a day can be helpful. Then when you really want to do more, increase it slowly, a few minutes at a time.


What if they still can’t get started?

Put a reminder in your calendar. Do some research online to find benefits of meditation to motivate you to do it. Or check out my new book,Meditate Your Weight, to give you a 21-day intro to meditation with plenty of science and reasons to stay committed.


Originally published on

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