7 Ways Yoga Can Help With Healthy Aging - Yoga Medicine

7 Ways Yoga Can Help With Healthy Aging

By Rachel Land for YogiApproved.

Buddha said: “Nothing is permanent. Everything is subject to change. Being is always becoming.” 

From the moment we are born until our lives end, we experience constant physical and mental change. Even if we strive for healthy aging, change (and therefore aging) is inevitable.

In our youth, we often celebrate these changes – they represent growth and development, accumulation of skills, and life experiences. But as we move through our lives, many of us become less excited about our altering state.

The aging process is different for each of us, but is usually accompanied by a range of changes – some of which we perceive as positive and some of which we don’t.

We gain skills, life experience, and perspective. But it’s also common to lose muscle mass and bone density, and for our connective tissue to become stiffer and less readily hydrated.

Our skin and hair can change. Hearing and eyesight can diminish. Declines in cognition and memory are also common. Many of us will also experience changes in our lifestyle, household structure, or level of community involvement.

To learn more about how yoga can help with healthy aging, click here to read the full article originally published on YogiApproved.com.

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