Category Archives: Rachel Land

114: Yoga & Religion: Expert Insights with Firdose Moonda MA

“Is Yoga a religion?” is an often-asked question, and the deeper we delve into the [...]

112: Autoimmune Conditions & Yoga: Expert Insights with Dr. Nikki Tugnet

As yoga teachers, most of us will either have an autoimmune condition, or teach students [...]

111: Answering Student Questions: Teacher’s Series

Today hosts Tiffany and Rachel dive into the topic of student questions and share their [...]

109: Teaching Yoga One-on-One: Community Conversations with Dana Diament

If you haven’t had or taught a one-on-one yoga session, it might feel like a [...]

108: Integrating New Tools in Your Teaching: Teacher’s Series

Coming home from another yoga teacher training, full of new information and techniques to utilize, [...]

107: Beat Burnout

Burnout is becoming a more common experience than ever, in the yoga world and beyond, [...]

105: Tackling Sacroiliac Joint Pain: Community Conversations with Kelsea Wright

It’s common knowledge that the vast majority of us will experience low back pain at [...]

104: Safe or Fun? Teacher’s Series

Today hosts Tiffany and Rachel discuss a question many yoga teachers grapple with: should we [...]

103: Teacher Training Myths: Community Conversations with Dana Diament

The mention of yoga teacher training conjures up a bundle of images and ideas, many [...]

101: Comfort, Challenge & Compassion: Community Conversations with Aisha Fakhro

In the yoga world, as elsewhere, opinions seem more polarized than ever. Today we’re making [...]

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