Tension Headache Relief with This Quick Stretch

Rene Lynch from the LA Times shares Tiffany Cruikshank‘s tension headache fix. You know that blinding tension [...]

Tiffany Cruikshank Interview: Live Fit Podcast

Click here to listen to the Live Fit interview of Tiffany Cruikshank on her latest book, Meditate [...]

Meditate to Control Cravings and Lose Weight

Tiffany Cruikshank for Further Food discusses how meditation can make the difference you’re looking for in [...]

Ayurveda Presentation

Ayurveda Presentation by Jeevani Lucy Eigen. Please watch both videos.

Meditation to Improve Athletic Performance

Tiffany Cruikshank joins Jason Benavides, the founder of Octane Athletic Performance, on the Octane Podcast. [...]

6 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism As You Get Older

Meghan Rabbitt for Prevention shares 6 ways to keep your metabolism going strong as you [...]

Meditation for Weight Loss: Donna Moderna

Learn meditation for weight loss in this article from Donna Moderna. It features Tiffany Cruikshank’s [...]

Invisible Disabilities: The Importance of Listening

Yoga Medicine’s Alice Louise Blunden shares her experience with having an invisible injury, how it [...]

Caffeine Detox: Learn to Live Without Coffee

Gina M. Florio shares an article on Bustle.com about her experience of giving up coffee [...]

Perspectives on Nutritional Mental Health

Yoga Medicine instructor Valerie Knopik shares her perspectives on nutritional mental health in a multi-part [...]

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