The 23 Absolute Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat

Jenna Dedić originally published the article on how to lose belly fat on Redbook.

“Meditate. No, seriously.

We know: the idea of sitting with your eyes closed for anything more than, oh, three minutes isn’t always realistic. But researchers say the practice helps create mindfulness, which is key to breaking destructive habits like overeating. When overweight women meditated for six weeks, they decreased their frequency of binge-eating episodes (like, meaning to eat just a handful of tortilla chips but devouring whole bag) by over 50 percent. Tiffany Cruikshank, author of Meditate Your Weight, agrees, saying that “meditation can help rewire how your brain responds to stress.” And you don’t have to sit in a dark room and chant. Just schedule a meditation appointment in your calendar; then find a comfortable position to sit in (not your bed—you’re way more likely to fall asleep). Set a timer on your phone, close your eyes, and focus on nothing but your breath. Do it for as long as you can—starting with three to five minutes is totally fine, and it’s completely normal for your mind to wander—and gradually add more time. As you advance, download the Mindfulness App or Meditation Studio for guided sessions.”

For the full article, click here.

You can also find a list of retailers on this page to pre-order your copy of Meditate Your Weight.

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