What Is MFR? Here’s Your In-Depth Guide to Self Myofascial Release - Yoga Medicine

What Is MFR? Here’s Your In-Depth Guide to Self Myofascial Release

By Allie Geer for YogiApproved.

Your body is composed of much more than just muscle and bone.

Fascia is an interconnected system within the body that moves from superficial to deep to visceral. It is one, continuous layer of connection that exists in the body from head to toe, front to back, and side to side.

This fascia surrounds your bones and organs. It connects bone to bone and muscle to bone. It surrounds groups of muscles and individual muscles – down to every last muscle spindle.

Your fascia plays a huge role in how your body interprets the world around you and in how your body communicates.

Within the last decade, fascia has become an important aspect of research for movement professionals and scientists all over the world. Through the study of fascia, we are learning the important role it plays in our ability to adapt and become resilient as a species.

To learn more about fascia and self myofascial release, click here to read the full article originally published on YogiApproved.com.

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