Category Archives: Rachel Land

77: Restorative Yoga Essentials

In our busy lives it can be challenging to allow ourselves to truly rest, but [...]


76: Hypermobility in Yoga: Community Conversations with Jenni Tarma

Today host Rachel speaks with returning guest Jenni Tarma about hypermobility disorders, which appear more [...]

74: Yoga for All: Community Conversations with Elena Cheung

Often it’s the details that make our experience; in the context of a yoga class, [...]

73: Unpacking Overhead Shoulder Pain

Today hosts Tiffany and Rachel explore one of the more common challenges yoga students face: [...]

72: Counter Compassion Fatigue: Expert Insights with Rashmi Bismark, MD MPH

Compassion itself is vast and inexhaustible but for those who care for others, systemic factors, [...]

71: More Controversial Yoga Cues

Today hosts Rachel and Tiffany continue the conversation we started in Episode 56, exploring controversial [...]

70: Yoga & MFR: Fundamentals to Get the Most Out of Your Practice

We’ve gone in depth in previous episodes on the topic of myofascial release or MFR, [...]


69: Yoga to End Human Trafficking: The Yoga Medicine Seva Foundation – Past, Present & Future

Today host Tiffany talks with Amanda B. Cunningham, director of Yoga Medicine Seva Foundation, about [...]

68: Approaches for Anxiety: Community Conversations with Caroline Wybar

Anxiety tends to go under-recognized and under-treated, and yet is one of the most common [...]

66: Beginner’s Mind: Community Conversations with Kylie Rook

What can we learn from being an adult beginner that informs more familiar activities, like [...]

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